5 Ways to Have a More Sustainable Waredrobe

Earth Day is a time to reflect on your enviornmental footprint.

Making small but consistant change in the way you consume fashion can make a huge impact. We recommend making a resolution to make one change going forward.

Here are 5 resolutions in order of impact.

2. Rent your clothing.

Renting from Valhalla is one of the best (and fun) ways to consume fashion sustainably. 100% of our inventory is sourced from our customers so we don't produce anything new. We also make sure that our inventory gets as many uses before it reaches our sales floor.

We know that when a business makes sustainable choices, it can have an incredible impact as a business as the potential to consume so much more than any one household. That's why we incorporate sustainable practices throughout our business. With respect to laundry, we use plastic free laundry soap and a Filtrol Filter that collects microplastics. You can rent stress free knowing we have you covered when it comes to supporting the environment.

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2. Only buy used.

When you only purchase clothing used, you're not supporting additional clothing production and the enviornmental and social injustices that come along with new clothing manufacturing. You're also usually supporting a small business or charity shop as well.

3. 30+ wears rule for purchases.

When you do need to purchase a newly manufactured item, try to keep the 30+ rule in mind which is, "will you wear this 30 or more times." When you get more wears out of your items, less clothing is wasted.

4. Donate.

When you know you won't wear an item again, donate or sell the item to a charity shop or local resale shop. Donating regularly is a win, win. Your item will see more wear before it reaches it's end of life, your closet is more roomy, and not cluttered with "guilt" clothing. One thing to keep in mind is to donate an item quickly once you recognize you will not wear it again. The longer you hold on to an item, the closer it is to becoming out of style and the less desirable it becomes.

5. Use refillary laundry soap.

We have two refillery shops located in the Tampa Bay area. Lufka and Sans Market. The concept is you bring a container to fill with their products. You can find all sorts of home and beauty products at these local shops but we especially recommend them for laundry. All of our laundry soap comes from these two shops.